Approve order with passport or national ID
Administrator tasks:
Cardholder tasks:
Approve order with passport or national ID
Do the following:
You should have received an email stating that your ID06 card has been ordered.
If you have not already done so, you must first personally identify yourself with a passport or national ID card at Sistec and then create an account in the ID06 portal.
Follow the instructions in Create account in ID06 with passport or national ID.Go to the ID06 portal to approve the order:
Or, if you just created an account, click Sign in to your account.Log in to the ID06 portal. In this step, you need your mobile phone, to receive an SMS code that you must enter to log in:
Click Sign in with sms one time password.
Enter your email address and password that you chose when creating your account. Click Sign in. You will receive a verification code sent to you by SMS to the phone number you have registered.
Enter the SMS verification code and click Verify.
Enter sms verification code
Verify the contact information. If necessary, add missing information such as phone, address, city, and country. Click Accept when you are done.
Your information for the ID06 card is complete and the card will now be produced and printed.
The ID06 partner (Nexus) now produces the card and delivers it to the address that the person in charge at your company has decided.
Next step
Continue to 3. Activate your ID06 card.