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Register company - FAQ

Register company

How and where do I register the company?

Swedish companies

Companies from other countries 

See the following instructions: 

Why am I not the authorized signatory?

ID06 AB checks the status of the company and their authorized signatories through Bolagsverket and you need to be properly registered there. If not, the company needs to approve you as the authorized signatory and send the form to Bolagsverket. This process might take a few days.

For help, see the following links: 

Can municipalities and organizations register and order new cards?

Municipalities, county councils, authorities, non-profit associations, religious denominations and foundations must start by filling in a form at ID06 AB. Each application is checked and approved manually by ID06 AB and therefore the processing time can be 1-3 weeks or longer. Fill in the form to register the organization.

When ID06 AB has registered you according to the form, you can register here. Then you can order ID06 cards here

Do you need manual support to register company or personal ID06 account?

Contact Nexus' partner Sistec for more information and opening hours. 

Sistec offers full service in the following languages:

  • English

  • Finish

  • Danish

  • Polish

  • Turkish

  • Russian

  • Ukrainian

  • Arabic

  • German

About ID06

How does the ID06 system work?

ID06 is a system for identification and control for safer and more secure work environments and the card has a high level of security in several ways.

Read more about security with ID06 cards here.

Create personal ID06 account

How and where do I create a personal account?

Swedish companies

Companies from other countries 

See the following instructions: 

Wrong personal information has been registered

Make sure that your personal information, such as spelling of name, matches the information in your BankID, eID or passport to 100%, otherwise you will not be able to confirm your registration or accept the card order. If the personal information in the order doesn´t match the BankID or passport information, the card order needs to be corrected. 

Before the card holder has identified, via passport or BankID, the nationality will be shown as "wrong" in the system. That message will disappear when the card holder has identified with BankID or the passport has been scanned.

For more information, see:

If you still have problem with the registration process, contact ID06 AB at for support.

Who needs a personal ID06 account?

The following users need personal ID06 accounts: 

  • Authorized signatory: Approves a company registration in the ID06 system and appoints administrators
  • Administrator: Orders cards, appoints card orderers
  • User / card orderer: Orders cards
  • Cardholder: Confirms a card order

See the following instructions: 

How do I change the personal information in my ID06 account?

To change your personal information, do the following:

  1. If you have changed your name, you need to update your eID information first.
  2. Sign in to the ID06 service portal using eID or SMS one-time password.
  3. When signed in to the portal, click on your name in top menu to the right.
  4. Select User details.
  5. You are now able to change your email, password or phone number.

If you have problems updating your ID06 account, contact ID06 AB at for support. 

Log in to ID06 service portal

Not able to login with BankID?

If you are not able to use your eID (for example BankID) or if you get an error message showing "the session has expired", please follow these steps:

  1. Use a computer and not a mobile device.
  2. Use Google Chrome as web browser on your computer. Download Google Chrome here. 

If it still doesn´t work, contact ID06 AB: 

Check the personal information

The personal information, such as spelling of names and date of birth, in an order must match the information in the eID (BankID), passport or national ID to 100%. Otherwise, the card holder will not be able to approve the card order. An order that has not been confirmed by the card holder can be adjusted in the Nexus ID06 order portal

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