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How do I order cards for several companies?

Before you start, you must be approved via the ID06 system by the authorized signatory of the company.

Do the following:

  1. Sign in to the ID06 service portal using eID or SMS one-time password.
  2. Click on the company name, at the top right, and register a new company.
  3. Enter organization number and invoicing information and click OK. An e-mail is sent to signatories who approve the registration.
  4. Order ID06 cards in the Nexus ID06 order portal.

Switch between companies in Nexus ID06 order portal

  1. Sign in to the Nexus ID06 order portal
    You can see all companies that you are connected to. 
  2. Select Switch Company to manage your different accounts.
    For more information, see Order ID06 cards for the employees

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