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Privacy policy for Nexus ID06 Cards

1. How and why does Nexus collect personal information

Nexus ID06 order portal is a service that provides Nexus customers with ID06 cards for identification and access control within the ID06 system. The ID06 card is produced according to rules and specifications settled by ID06 AB. The ID06 cards are ordered by the customers via the Nexus order portal. ID06 AB is responsible for the personal data needed for processing the ID06 card and a data processing agreement will be settled between ID06 AB and the customer directly. The ID06 AB´s policy for data handling regarding to GDPR rules is found here

Nexus will collect personal data only to send information to customers regarding the service and product updates and to make sure the user is able to access the service.

2. What personal information does Nexus collect

Data that is collected and handled, for this purpose, by Nexus are first name, surname and email address.

3. How does Nexus use the personal information

The personal data enables the customer to access the service and Nexus to send information to the customer regarding the service and updates for the product and the processes for registration, identification and order handling etc.

Nexus will not use the collected data for any other purpose than described above.

4. How can you as a user control any aspects of this

The user can reject to receive information from Nexus. The information will also be available at Nexus web site.

5. Amendments 

We reserve the right to amend this Policy from time to time. Information of any such amendment and the latest version of the Privacy policy will be posted on Nexus Documentation site. 

6. Contact information

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

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